Three female roommates sit in their Hume Hall room.


Roommates are an essential part of your on-campus experience. Students have the opportunity to connect with others through completing a roommate profile. Profiles include a name, bio, and roommate questionnaire. Once complete, a student can add a specific roommate by GatorLink username or view potential roommate matches. While the software will connect you to a great Gator, it's still important to get to know your roommate and learn how to navigate your time spent together. 

Foster Communication

Good relationships are built on communication. Begin building good communication by spending some time getting to know each other. Taking time to listen and talk to each other at the beginning of this relationship will help get the year off to a good start. Below are some questions to help connect with your roommate.

  • What are your hobbies/interests?
  • What’s your major/field of study and ideal job?
  • What are your expectations for the year academically and/or personally?
  • What are your beliefs/values?
  • What is your class schedule like?
  • Describe your ideal study environment/habits? Can you study with other people in the room?
  • What are your thoughts on guests of either gender and appropriate times of visitation?
  • What are your attitudes towards alcohol and drug use?
  • What are your expectations regarding room cleanliness? How will you divide basic housekeeping duties?
  • What have you learned about roommate relationships from previous roommate situations?
  • How do you deal with gripes and tension?

Remember to always communicate openly, directly, and immediately as issues arise — each roommate owes the other the courtesy of speaking to them first. Don’t put off problems; delayed discussions can lead to explosive problems that become more difficult to resolve. 

Create a Connection

Whether you have known your roommate for life or you are meeting for the first time, you both are new to UF and living on campus. Create opportunities for shared experiences together. Check out events in your residence hall, visit places around Gainesville, be sure to try out some new activities together. Having these connections and experiences will help create lasting memories of your experiences. Sharing a room is a learned skill. The relationship skills you build now will serve you later in relationships, friendships, business, or social settings.

We want you to have a successful and positive roommate experience. Resident Assistants meet with roommates at the beginning of the semester to help establish the group’s standards of living. During this conversation, you will complete a Gator to Gator agreement. You and your roommate have the opportunity to discuss many topics: the temperature in the room, sharing items, guests, etc. We encourage roommates to have an honest conversation about their needs to help develop a guideline of how they plan to live together. Once established, the Gator to Gator agreement assists in maintaining these standards throughout the time living together.

Navigate Differences

It’s natural to experience a disconnect or differences with roommates. Navigating these situations can be challenging, but we are here to help. If you have a roommate conflict that you feel would benefit by having a third party present, connect with you Resident Assistant who will help you both navigate these conversations. 

Resolve conflict

One of the best ways you can begin to resolve conflict is to speak to your roommate(s) directly. State issues as neutrally as possible, and listen to what they have to say. Be prepared to meet your roommate in the middle and make concessions.

If you and your roommate are unable to resolve the conflict ask your Resident Assistant (RA) to intervene by meeting with all involved roommates. Their role is neutral, and they will work with you and your roommates to resolve the problem at hand.

If further intervention is needed after meeting with your RA, your Area Coordinator will meet with the roommates and serve as a facilitator in resolving the conflict. At this time, roommates may be asked to sign revised Gator to Gator agreement. If the resolution is not met through these levels, formal mediation will occur. Our staff may also assist with any room transfer requests.