As a part of our mission to improve the lives of residents at in the halls. IRHA and our Area Governments host many events throughout the year. The best way to find out about upcoming events is through our Instagram @UFIRHA.
Area Governments
Area Governments are facilitated by IRHA and serve to advocate and improve the experiences of the residents in their area through events and area improvement initiatives. Area Government executive board positions are an opportunity for students to represent their peers, gain leadership skills, and implement social activities and area improvements to enrich the residential experience. Area government applications are typically opened to all on-campus residents once a year at the start of the Fall semester.
Area Governments include:
- Beaty Towers Area Government (BTAG)
- Broward-Rawlings Area Government (BRAG)
- Graham Area Council (GAC)
- Hume Area Council (HAC)
- Infinity Council (INC)
- Jennings Area Government (JAG)
- Lakeside Area Residential Council (LARC)
- Murphree Area Council (MAC)
- Springs-Keys Council on Residential Experience (SKCORE)
- Tolbert Area Council (TAC)
- Yulee Area Council (YAC)
- Village Area Council (VAC)
After attending two GBMs, UF students (living on or off-campus) are eligible to apply to become an IRHA Member-at-Large (MAL). MALs are voting members of the IRHA general body and may assist with AG and IRHA events.
Directorships & Committees
IRHA facilitates a number of special interest directorships and committees to address the internal and external needs of the organization and community. Director applications open at the end of every Spring semester. If you have a question or would like to get in touch with a specific director please contact IRHAPresident@ufsa.ufl.edu.
Directorships & Committees include:
- Environmental Concerns
- Social Justice
- Health & Wellness
- Historian
- Intramurals
- Internal Development
- Philanthropy & Scholarship
- Receptions
- Spirit
Outreach and Collaboration
Other organizations looking to collaborate with IRHA can reach out to our president and vice president. Some types of collaboration in the past have included, co-sponsoring events, tabling at our campus-wide events, guest speaker presentations at our weekly general body meetings, etc.
For residents assistants, IRHA also has a catalog of useful equipment available to be checked out for events. Some of our most popular equipment includes popcorn machines, a snow-cone machine, and more! To request equipment please contact the IRHA Operations Manager at IRHAOperationsManager@ufsa.ufl.edu.
IRHA Executive Board
Questions about IRHA?
Please email IRHAPresident@ufsa.ufl.edu