Graduate and Family Housing Rental Rates

Graduate and Family Housing rent is billed monthly. Below are the rental rates per month for the current year. Rates are updated annually beginning July 1. Any changes to the rental rates will apply to all contracted students. Rental rates include water, internet, and basic cable.

2025 - 2026 Rental Rates

VillagesApartment TypeMonthly Rental Rate
(7/1/25 -6/30/26)
Corry Village1 Bedroom Apartment Unrenovated$651
1 Bedroom Apartment$844
2 Bedroom Apartment Unrenovated$727
2 Bedroom Apartment$924
2 Bedroom Apartment Deluxe$1,001
Diamond Village1 Bedroom Apartment$844
2 Bedroom Apartment$924
Tanglewood ApartmentsEfficiency Apartment Unrenovated$688
Efficiency Apartment$741
1 Bedroom Apartment Unrenovated$790
1 Bedroom Apartment$844
2 Bedroom Apartment Unrenovated$867
2 Bedroom Apartment$924
2 Bedroom Townhouse Unrenovated$947
2 Bedroom Townhouse$1,001

2024 - 2025 Rental Rates

VillagesApartment TypeMonthly Rental Rate
(7/1/24 -6/30/25)
Corry Village1 Bedroom Apartment Unrenovated$589
1 Bedroom Apartment$764
2 Bedroom Apartment Unrenovated$658
2 Bedroom Apartment$836
2 Bedroom Apartment Deluxe$906
Diamond Village1 Bedroom Apartment$764
2 Bedroom Apartment$836
Tanglewood ApartmentsEfficiency Apartment Unrenovated$623
Efficiency Apartment$671
1 Bedroom Apartment Unrenovated$715
1 Bedroom Apartment$764
2 Bedroom Apartment Unrenovated$785
2 Bedroom Apartment$836
2 Bedroom Townhouse Unrenovated$857
2 Bedroom Townhouse$906

Additional fees

Application Fee 

There is a non-refundable $25 application fee for Graduate and Family Housing applications.

Late Payment

Payments received after the close of business on the tenth day of each month are subject to a $75 late payment fee. This is a one-time per per month charge.


If a current resident transfers from one room to another, there will be a $75 charge to cover the administrative process.

Illegal Check-Out

If a resident does not leave their rental unit on the date indicated on their "Notice of Intent to Vacate (NIV)" a charge of $200 will be assessed.

Improper Check-Out

If a resident fails to remove all items for their apartment upon move out, a charge of $200 will be assessed. If additional cleaning or item removal is required, an additional charge of $25 per hour, up to a maximum of eight hours will be assessed.


Students are expected to keep their keys on them at all times. In the event a student is locked out of their room they may retrieve a temporary key from the area desk up to two times per semester. After the second lock-out a $50 fee will be assessed for each additional instance.

Abandon Property

Abandon property is defined as items left outside of the dumpster. Once the resident is identified, a $200 charge will be assessed for the removal of the items.

Illegal Sublet

If a resident is discovered subleasing (leasing their apartment to another individual), the resident will have 72 hours to vacate the apartment and will be charge a $300 fee.