a bee rests on a purple flower on campus.


Housing and Residence Life is committed to incorporating sustainability best practices and education into the work that is done every day. Through collaborations with campus partners and ongoing education in our residential communities, Housing works to ensure sustainability remains a focus of our staff's work.

Some highlights include:

  • Paper towel composting
  • The Alan and Cathy Hitchcock Field & Fork Pantry food drives
  • Solar panels added to Diamond Village
  • Reusable water bottle fountains installed in residence halls
  • Rain barrels installed in Village communities with gardens

Sustainability Tips

We can all do our part to conserve water cutting back on daily water use with a few easy-to-follow tips. 

  • Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth or when not in use. 
  • Report all leaks through an iService request so our facilities team may address them promptly.
  • Take shorter showers. A five-minute shower uses 12.5 gallons of water. Each additional minute uses 2.5 gallons.