

The Office of Conduct and Community Standards is here to protect each resident. We work with on-campus residents to educate them on how their behavior affects the community they live in, as well as their futures. However, it's important that they know their actions in one incident do not define the remainder of their University of Florida career, and more importantly, them as people.

Primary Meeting TypesDefinition
Information MeetingA meeting between an Accused Student and a Student Conduct Administrator after a Notice of Charges has been sent. The meeting includes reviewing a Student’s rights in the Student Conduct Process, reviewing the Charges, and reviewing potential outcomes. The Information Meeting is not a Disciplinary Proceeding. The Information Meeting determines the next course of action in the Student Conduct Process.
Educational Conversation About Behavior (“ECaB”)A required meeting related to reported information, which is not investigatory in nature and does not result in Charges. This meeting is intended to address reported information that does not support initiating a formal Student Conduct Process but does require an educational discussion about the content of the Student Conduct Code and the expectations of the University community.
Follow-up MeetingA meeting to touch base regarding a potential stressor and the subsequent impact on well-being and academics.
Investigation MeetingA meeting that includes the opportunity for the Director of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution or designee to interview people who may have information relevant to a potential Charge, to explain the Student Conduct Process, to explain the rights of Students, and to review of the nature of the allegation.
Medical AmnestyView UF Medical Amnesty Policy

Refer to the Student Honor Code and Student Conduct Code to review all disciplinary proceedings.

Our Conduct Process

For information regarding Hearings, review the Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution (SCCR) chart.


Frequently Asked Questions

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Additional questions?

The Office of Conduct and Community Standards is open Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

We are located within the UF Housing Office at 1304 Diamond Rd.

If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 352-846-4848 or email us at the link below.

Email Us